About Us
The Artisan and Technician Development Technical Task Team (ATD-TTT), the stakeholder representative body established by the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) of South Africa has through its work-plan identified the three primary blockages to a national artisan development programme. These three blockages were tabled before the Human Resource Development Council on 15th June 2012 and unanimously endorsed for removal by relevant implementing partners.
These three blockages are the lack of:
- Detailed, accurate, current data for artisan trade prioritization, workplaces and placement, scientific target setting, monitoring & evaluation;
- A single guaranteed funding model for all artisan trades listed in the Government Gazette applicable to all sectors including a single artisan learner administration and grant disbursement system; and
- An Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system that is focused on supporting persons who are working as support workers in the engineering field to become certificated artisans.
Establishment of a central data management center
There has been a lack of accurate artisan related data for learners as well as qualified and practicing artisans persons that work in South Africa. There has never been a central system or repository of such artisan data and as a result the Department has set up a National Artisan Development Support Centre or NADSC at INDLELA in Olifantsfontein.