About Us

The Career Development Directorate develops, coordinates and implements artisan related career guidance to school learners and/or post school persons through advocacy programmes such as the Decade of the Artisan and World Skills South Africa amongst other interventions. The directorate is also responsible for the development of artisan career materials to enable the communication of a uniform message on career development. It is further responsible for the coordination of participation of TVET colleges in partnership with industry and SETAs in the World Skills South Africa activities meant to enhance the vocational education and training skills development element through the World Skills International mechanism.

Our Objectives

Participation in the WorldSkills South Africa (WSSA) Competition offers a vehicle through which the DHET can facilitate the achievement of strategic imperatives such as:

  • Improving Artisan Development (Lifting to prominence of trade qualification to the extent that 30 000 artisans are developed per year by 2030 as required by National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework.
  • Strengthning and transforming TVET Collegestowards playing the anticipated catalytical role in the post Education and Training enviroment.
  • Fostering closer partnerships between industry and Higher Education and Training institutions mainly TVET Colleges.
  • Improving the quality of preovision of vocational training at TVET Colleges and workplaces given to artisan learners. This will lead to quality of artisans produced in South Africa improving with spin-offs related to employability.
  • Increasing the number of workplaces required for workplace experimental learning for Artisan learners.